8/10/2022 ⟶ konference ⟶ výzkum ⟶ vizualizace
Od 6. do 8. října proběhla v Madridu třináctá konference International Conference on Education & Educational Psychology (ICEEPSY). Prezentoval jsem na ní výstupy z první obsahové analýzy českých prvostupňových učebnic matematiky. Zajímalo mě, jak a v jaké posloupnosti se v učebnicích objevují vizualizace dat.
Problem Statement: The ways of building data visualization literacy are not yet sufficiently explored and described in the local context of primary education and textbooks.
Research Questions: How common are data graphics in Czech primary education textbooks, in what chronology do they familiarize students with data visualization, and what terminology is used for data visualization objects? Study Purpose: The research aims to describe the forms, purposes and occurrence of data visualization in Czech textbooks. The research outputs will serve as a base for further study in the area.
Research Methods: Quantitative and qualitative content analysis of Czech primary education mathematics textbooks. Textbooks were selected based on the presence of a note of approval granted by The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.
Findings: Data graphics take a lot of different forms in mathematics textbooks. Still, they usually follow logical routes of abstraction, with pictographs being very common in the early stages, taking the form of proto-charts later on. Textbooks are not consistent in introducing types of data graphics, with some introducing histograms or scatterplots before more basic charts and graphs.
Conclusions: Results of quantitative content analysis of Czech mathematics textbooks will be presented, and preliminary results of the qualitative content analysis will be discussed. The outputs of the inquiry will serve as a starting point for further research in the field, especially for investigation with primary-level educators.
Keywords: Visualization literacy, primary education, textbook analysis