23/11/2022 ⟶ vizualizace ⟶ přednášky
V rámci předmětu “Executive skills in international relations and European politics” na FSS MUNI v Brně jsem i letos připravil přednášku a návazný workshop v angličtině. Zpětná vazba na aktivity byla i letos pozitivní a mám velkou radost, že si studenti pro zpracování svých project proposals odnesli mnohé tipy a doporučení pro efektivnější vizuální komunikaci.
“Visual representations of data are powerful tools of communication. However, extensive research shows that they are not always used with sufficient functionality. This double session (lecture and follow-up workshop/excercises) will focus on the basic principles and rules of data visualization and their application. The lesson will focus on data visualization foundations and concepts, such as data-ink ratio, chartjunk or memorability. We will dive shortly into relevant cognitive science topics, such as pre-attentive processing or memory. We’ll then focus on reflecting these principles in real-world dataviz examples during the excercises.”
“Tomas was great! Unfortunately, I could only attend one of his two classes. Tomas managed to interact with the class in a relaxed yet professional manner. He provided details for his area in a way that made me interested in the topic.”
“This teacher is an excellent presenter, he manage to get the whole class interested from the very beginning of the class. He used very nice powerpoints slides that made the presentation easier to understand and at the same time more entertaining. His attitude was very friendly and at the same time, he managed to give a basic introduction to data visualization for those who have never worked professionally in this field. I wish more teachers had a similar way of teaching.”